Monday, February 27, 2017

2/3/17 - 2/5/17 Diving Cabo Pulmo

We returned to La Paz so we could re-provision and take a road trip to Cabo Pulmo and dive that famous reef.

Weather dictated the best diving day would be Sunday Feb 5th so we grabbed all our diving gear including our diving map and took off in a rental car.  The map showed a likely route of paved roads and highways with the last bit as a gravel road.  However, the paved highway along the coast turned out to be soft beach sand (in which we were stuck for 15 minutes) and the rustic dirt road shown on the map turned out to be a paved road! We arrived in time to reserve our dive and enjoy a wonderful meal.

The dives were fantastic! We saw 5 large (4 to 6 feet in length) Green Eels on the move! They look so cool when they are swimming, the upper and lowers fins rippling as the body snakes.  There were also several large Groupers, Giant Parrotfish, huge Green Turtles, Cortez Angelfish, Mexican Wrasse, Sargent Majors, and some beautiful corals.  This is the only hard coral reef in North America on the Pacific side.  We were glad we saw it even though the visibility was less than ideal.
Our underwater camera just stopped working after Rob took the first photo….bummer.

Puffer fish, relaxed and happy

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